Tag Archives: refinement

When should Product Backlog Refinement Take Place?

A refined product backlog facilitates the development of a successful product: It incorporates new insights and learning, and it provides items that are ready to be implemented. But when should you work on the backlog? Before the new sprint starts or afterwards? And how can you decide which option is appropriate? In this post, I discuss four options with their benefits and drawbacks to help you make the right choice.

The Product Backlog Refinement Steps

Refining the product backlog helps you make the right product decisions and get the product backlog ready for the next sprint. In this post, I show how you successfully refine your product backlog in five steps.

Refining the Product Backlog

Product backlog refinement, or grooming, plays an important part in delivering a product. Done correctly, it increases the chances of offering a successful product. This article shares my tips to help you effectively refine your product backlog.