Tag Archives: product discovery

10 Tips for Creating Agile Personas

Personas are a powerful technique to describe the users and customers of a product in order to make the right product decisions. This post shares my tips to create helpful personas for digital products.

The Minimum Viable Product and the Minimal Marketable Product

The minimum viable product (MVP) and the minimal marketable product (MMP) are two powerful concepts: The MVP helps you test your ideas. The MMP enables you to launch your product faster. This post discusses both concepts together with their relationship.

Combining Lean Startup and Scrum

Can Lean Startup and Scrum be combined? And if so, how do they fit together? This post shares my answers for blending the two models, and it maps out a high-level process for product discovery and product development.

Working with the Product Vision Board

“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes,” says Morpheus to Neo in the movie “The Matrix”. This quote reminds me of the choice we face when dealing with a new product idea: Should we walk away from it, or should we implement it? To help you decide if and how to progress an idea, I have developed the Product Vision Board. In this post, I show how the board can be applied to kick-start the product discovery process and to create a new digital product.

A Simple Persona Template

Personas are a great way to capture our knowledge about the users and customers and their needs. But writing effective personas and providing enough but not too much information can be challenging. This blog post introduce a simple yet powerful template that helps you write great personas.

The Product Backlog as a Learning Tool

Leverage the power of customer feedback, and use your product backlog as a learning tool. Discover the right product features and take advantage of emerging requirements by integrating customer a feedback into the backlog early and frequently.

The Minimal Marketable Product

Innovate successfully by creating a minimal marketable product, a product with just the right features. This allows you to launch quicker, reduce time-to-market, and start earning money sooner.

The Product Vision Board

The vision plays an important role in bringing a new product to life: It acts as the overarching goal guiding everyone involved in the development effort. Equally important is the product strategy, the path chosen to attain the vision. Without a shared vision and an effective strategy, people are likely to pull in different directions, and the chances of creating a successful product are slim. While vision and strategy are key, describing them can be challenging. This post introduces the Product Vision Board, a tool that helps you capture the vision and product strategy.

What is Agile Product Management?

Find out how agile product management differs from traditional approaches. This post summarises the key differences between old-school and agile product management.

Envisioning Your Product

Being able to envision what a new product or the next product version should look like and do is essential for getting there. This post discusses creating a vision and product strategy and iteratively validating the strategy to align everyone involved in the development effort and to maximise your chances of creating a successful product.